Custom Glass Shower Enclosures

Important design Tips for custom Glass Shower Enclosures

Custom Glass Shower Enclosures

12 Important Design Tips For Custom Glass Shower Enclosures

You’ve finally made the decision – it’s time to upgrade your out-of-date shower with a new custom glass enclosure! Be prepared to see your bathroom in a whole new light, with more open space and a modern look!

Before you get started, though, you will want to make yourself familiar with the aesthetic touches you want and the structural elements you’ll need to ensure maximum functionality and impact. After years of providing hardware for frameless shower enclosures for customers in South Africa, we’ve seen several contractor mistakes and oversights that can upend your project. You don’t need to become an expert on the matter, but understanding the fundamentals can help ensure that the contractor you choose is building your new enclosure the right way.

Heavy frameless shower enclosure Raleigh Tip 1: Angles to Use

Plan for your shower to be built using 90°, 135°, or 180° angles. Most shower hardware is designed to accommodate these angles, so planning ahead can help guarantee the enclosure will function correctly and remain cost-effective.

Tip 2: Support for Shower Doors and Hardware
Make sure the wall where you plan to install your hinged door has the proper studding support behind it. Doubled 2x4s is best, but a single 2×4 will work. Additionally, provide wood studs or blocking where doors hinge or panels are anchored, especially if metal studs were used in the original construction of the wall.

Tip 3: Shower Curb
Do you want to install your shower enclosure on a curb, or would you rather have it flush with the floor? Eliminating the curb can be beneficial to planning a handicap-accessible shower enclosure, but the curb can help prevent water from leaking or pooling on the floor of your bathroom.

Tip 4: Slope of Curb
Typically, curbs are sloped at a 5-degree slope to enable the water to flow toward the drain. Without this slope – sometimes referred to as the “pitch” – the curb would have stood water on top or could leak water onto the bathroom floor.

Tip 5: Slope of Shower Seat
If you are considering a built-in shower seat, make sure that the seat slants toward the drain at a 5-degree slope. This allows water to flow off of the seat and into the drain.

Tip 6: Plumb Walls
In order to prevent gaps, uneven joints, and hinge “bind”, any wall that meets a door or glass panel must be precisely vertical (also called “plumb”). If the wall is more than ¼” out of plumb will be both prone to leak and be unsightly.

Tip 7: Minimum Width of Glass Panels
Each glass panel should be at least 4½” wide, which is the minimum width for tempering glass and supporting the hardware. The door must be at least 22” wide but no more than 36” wide.

Heavy frameless shower enclosure Raleigh Tip 8: Glass Tiles
When designing your shower enclosure, avoid any plans that involve mounting door hinges and glass clips onto the glass tiles. These situations often cause breakage, adding time and expense to your new enclosure.

Tip 9: Soffits
The eaves along the top of your shower are called “soffits”. In order to avoid an uneven look, your soffits must line up perfectly with the angles in the curb below.

Tip 10: Shower Head Position
Insider tip: If possible, make sure to position your showerhead toward tiled walls or fixed panels. This minimizes leakage. Whatever you do, never place your showerhead opposite another door or opening unless you have a low-flow showerhead or one that points straight down to the floor.

Tip 11: Raised Tiles and Overhangs
It is the goal of any professional installation to ensure that nothing interferes with the door’s movement and leave no gaps between the door and the wall. This situation can often arise with raised decorative tiles or overhanging tiles, but these can be modified to allow for proper door usage. You should note, however, this is sometimes done using filler, which may negatively impact the look of the finished product.

Tip 12: Curb Tops
Solid pieces of tile, marble, and granite are ideal for the curb top. Tiled curb tops increase the chance of a leak, and can lead to mildew or mold down the line. The shower door seal functions best on a solid, smooth surface.

At Premier Hardware, we pride ourselves on offering the best quality frameless glass hardware in South Africa. Contact the Premier Hardware team today to learn more!


Chrome Stair railing

How to clean chrome?

Chrome Stair railing

How to clean chrome?

Chromium (chrome) is a very soft metal that is commonly used for a wide variety of everyday products such as faucets, pots and pans, bumpers, and even chrome wheels and chrome rims. Because it is so soft, you will never find anything that is made entirely of solid chrome. The chrome on those new rims you’re so proud of is actually an extremely thin layer that was applied through electroplating. I’m not saying that’s bad. It’s just the way it is. Again, chrome is very soft, and if your rims (or pans) were solid chrome, you wouldn’t want them.

Besides being extremely stable under high heat (which makes chrome great for mufflers and the like), chrome plating is what gives your metal objects that nice blueish lustre we’ve all come to love. The problem is, while chrome is a very durable metal and can last for years, it doesn’t take long for it to get dirty and dull looking. And because you will need to clean chrome frequently, it is important to know how to clean chrome properly. Improper chrome cleaning can lead to accidental chrome removal and some seriously pissed off do-it-yourselves. If you’re looking to clean your chrome steel safely and without damaging it, no matter what it’s been electroplated to, follow the steps below.

Never neglect chrome. The best way to avoid damage to chrome objects is to not allow them to get (very) dirty in the first place. The dirtier chrome gets before you deal with it, the more effort and force you’re going to have to use to clean chrome and the higher your risk of damaging it will become. The moment you start to notice a dulling of the chrome, wash it. Avoid washing chrome pans in greasy water. The grease will leave a film on your chrome pots that will get cooked on and will be very difficult to remove. For chrome wheels, remove them in the winter. Salt is very tough on them.

Soap and water. Sounds too good to be true, I know. But oftentimes, if the need to clean chrome isn’t bad, this is all you need. If it’s pots and pans or something else that’s easily submersible, a sink full of water, a good dish detergent, and a soft rag (chrome scratches easily) is all you need. Clean the chrome finish on the handles and faucets of your sink while you’re at it. For grooves and hard-to-reach places, use a soft-bristled.

Soap and water didn’t quite do the trick? You may need to move on to something a little stronger. Continue to use your soft rag, but this time use vinegar as a chrome cleaner. Because vinegar (either plain white or apple cider) is slightly acidic, it works well for taking tarnish and gunk off of chrome. This can be used to clean chrome rims, chrome pans, chrome bumpers, or whatever else you’ve got. Just remember to use different parts of the rag as you go along so you’re always using a clean section. If you need a little extra oomph, sprinkle a little baking soda on the vinegar-dampened rag.

Clean rusty chrome. If there are little bits of rust peeking through your chrome finish, it works well to grab a bit of aluminium foil, crumple it up, dip it in vinegar (or Coca-Cola), and scrub. Be careful not to apply too much pressure, though. Scrub with medium force and re-dip your foil often. This type of chrome care works well for chrome bumpers, bikes, tailpipes, etc. The Coke does work well, but it will make things a bit sticky. Try vinegar first. Regardless of what you use, after this method of chrome polishing, always rinse well with fresh water. In cases of more severe rust, aluminium foil can be substituted with very fine grade steel wool.

All dried up. Once you’re satisfied with the cleanliness of your chrome, make sure you dry it really, really well. Chrome is absolutely notorious for developing water spots. The moment you get done washing chrome, grab a soft, dry towel and go over the entire object with it. While this might not be all that important for folks who want to clean chrome cookware, for those of you who want to clean chrome wheels, bumpers, tanks, etc., you want stuff to look nice. It also works very well to dry chrome with used dryer sheets.

Waxing chrome. Now for the last step. After polishing, if you want to keep your chrome looking nicer for longer and reduce the frequency of cleaning, I suggest you get yourself a good chrome wax. Actually, almost any car wax made from carnauba (see below) will do the trick. Just make sure to give whatever you’re waxing a couple of coats. The first coat will fill any pores, and the second coat will provide all that nice lustre. Buff between coats.

Polishing Chrome with Chrome Polish
You simply do not need commercial chrome cleaners to polish chrome. The methods covered above have been proven over and over to be safe and effective. However, if you’re looking for a simpler way to clean chrome wheels or anything else with a chrome finish, there are products available that are easier and faster to use. Not better, and definitely not as environmentally friendly, but faster and easier. While Mother Earth and I would much rather see you use the above methods, many people swear by commercial chrome cleaners such as Flitz Stainless Steel & Chrome Cleaner, Mothers Chrome Cleaner, Turtle Wax Chrome Polish, and Bar Keepers Friend (very highly regarded). If you feel your chrome may be too far gone for any hope of recovery, it might be advisable for you to just give up and get whatever it is re-plated. It’s quick and easy to find someone to do this for you. Simply type “chrome plating” into a Google search and make a few calls.

Eco-Friendly Ways to Clean and Polish Chrome
Mothers Pure Carnauba Wax. Carnauba wax is a natural wax that is collected from the leaves of the Copernicia cerifera palm tree. This wax is one of the hardest waxes known to man, has a ridiculously high heat threshold, and is commonly used in things like makeup, fruit coatings, medicinal tablet coatings, soaps, and dental floss.

Eco Touch Car Metal and Chrome Polish. This stuff will safely clean, polish, and shine up your chrome, stainless steel, and aluminium. It’s biodegradable and nonabrasive, and it works well for removing oxidation, grease, grime, streaks, and smudges. It is also a highly recommended chrome wheel cleaner.

Baby oil. That’s right: it’s not just for baby butts anymore. Just dump a little baby oil on a soft cloth and use it to clean faucets, appliances, vehicles, or any of your other chrome-plated objects that might need cleaning.


Frameless Glass balustrade balcony and stair railing

Lasting benefits of Glass Balustrades

Frameless Glass balustrade balcony and stair railing

Lasting benefits of Glass Balustrades

If you are looking for an alternative to traditional stair railings and balcony borders, a glass balustrade offers a stylish option. A glass balustrade, especially one that is frameless, is not only fashionable; it is sleek and modern looking. It is perfect for anyone who wants a “movie star” look at their house while increasing their home’s value at the same time. Buyers love frameless glass enclosures. The look is a coveted one, and you can get it for far less than you may imagine.

There are many tangible benefits that go along with a frameless glass balustrade besides increasing your home’s value on the seller’s market and looking fabulous. These benefits are enhanced when you use Premier Hardware’s frameless glass balustrade products. As the leading provider of frameless glass balustrade hardware in South Africa, Premier Hardware’s products have advantages other companies can’t offer.

For example, the stainless-steel hardware that holds the glass panels in place are top quality and look stunning next to the clear glass, when the pieces are visible at all. Some of the pieces are virtually hidden in their placement, making it look like the balustrade is holding itself up. It is a magical look that you and your guests are sure to appreciate.

There are a number of handrail options to choose from with your balustrade, as well. Depending on what you like and what goes with your decor, you can choose such things as top-mounted rails (which blend into the balustrade seamlessly to offer a free and clear view), and slim side-mounted rails that can be affixed to walls that are already in place around the stairs or balcony, or to the posts at either end of the balustrade. You can always have exactly the look you prefer when working with Premier Hardware.

In addition, your glass balustrade can be cut to any size or shape, and Premier Hardware will have the right product or products required to allow you to give your house a unique and totally customised look. Plus, the frameless glass hardware offered by Premier Hardware can be integrated with any existing stairway, balcony, deck or patio.

Not sure where to start? Contact us and let us help put you in touch with a few of the reputable companies that use Premier Hardware products.


Glass Balustrade crystal clear

How to keep your Glass Balustrade or Pool fence crystal clear

Glass Balustrade crystal clear

How to keep your Glass Balustrade or Pool Fence Crystal Clear

Do you have a glass balustrade or pool fence? If you do, you will naturally want to keep it as clean and sparkling as possible. The cleaner and clearer your glass, the more attractive it is, and this reflects on the overall attractiveness of your home’s exterior. If you are selling your home, that glass must be perfectly clean, because it will appeal to buyers, and maybe even give you negotiating room to ask for a higher price on our house. Buyers love crystal clear glass.

It’s also a good idea to keep your glass clean for safety reasons. If it is smudged, you won’t be able to see what is going on the other side of it as well. A child could have gotten into the pool area that is not supposed to be there, or there could be an intruder in your pool area. Being able to see these things readily and easily through clear glass ensures the safety of your home and the people who live in and visit it.

So, how to you keep your glass balustrade or pool fence as clean as it can be, with as little time, effort, and money as possible?

First, don’t use commercial glass cleaners. They have a tendency to leave residue behind on the glass. You’ll be able to see the residue in all its smudgy glory in bright sunlight or looking at it up closely. It is actually best to treat your glass balustrade or pool fence as your dishes and wash them with warm water and pure liquid soap. Dishwashing soap will work just fine.

Just clean the glass with a sponge, rinse it with clean water, and dry it with a clean washcloth. Alternately, you can let it air dry. The results will be just the same. You will get sparkling clean glass with little time or effort, and very cheaply. For best results, clean your glass this way every six months to keep it shiny.

It’s also a good idea to spot clean any bird or animal droppings as soon as possible. They can be very erosive to the glass and hardware.

You should also consider having EnduroShield or Clearshield applied to your glass before it is installed. If you did not have EnduroShield or Clearshield applied to your glass before installation, they are also available as a DIY kit.

EnduroShield or Clearshield is a thin, transparent coating that sticks to the glass without anyone knowing it’s there. It keeps water and oil off the glass surface – both just roll right off of it, leaving no residue behind.

EnduroShield or Clearshield can reduce your cleaning time by up to 90%. Because Enduro Shield or Clearshield is non-stick, getting the glass clean just involves using water, a mild dish soap, and a squeegee.

However, you choose to keep your glass clean, you can be happy knowing it won’t take much time or effort to do it. Don’t let the idea that glass balustrades and fencing are hard to clean keep you from getting one, the other, or both. They are easier to clean than you realise. Enjoy the beauty and security of glass, while keeping it clean like a pro with ease.


Frameless Glass Shower Doors

Frameless Glass Shower doors advantages & disadvantages

Frameless Glass Shower Doors

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Frameless Glass Shower Doors

Bathroom remodeling is the most common home improvement project for homeowners. As many as 81% of all projects involve updating the bathroom.

Frameless glass shower doors are trending as the modern way to enclose your shower. This glass minus the hardware will not only improve the look of your bathroom but is easier to care for too.

Considering frameless glass for your shower? Consider these pros and cons before you make the decision.

What are Frameless Glass Shower Doors?
The goal of a frameless shower door is to embrace minimalism. You will see them and not realize that you have.

There will be a distinct lack of hardware around the glass. Gone are the days of the gold and silver frames around the outside.

Typically, there are a few clips holding the sheet of glass in place. You’ll find that the glass in this system is much thicker than the framed option.

Pros of Frameless Shower Doors
There are many benefits of upgrading to frameless shower enclosures. Some are cosmetic, but there are also functional benefits.

A minimalist interior design is trending right now. This trend has made frameless glass showers popular.

If you are looking to sell or rent your home, this will make the bathroom desirable. Having a frameless glass shower enclosure will be deemed as upscale.

Once you eliminate the hardware, you are no longer limited to how you decorate the rest of the bathroom. This gives you complete freedom when decorating the rest of the bathroom.

No Limits on Sizing
When you buy framed glass shower doors, you will find a standard set of sizes. Hopefully, your bathroom works with one of those sizes.

Alternatively, you can cut frameless glass to fit whatever size you need. This gives the doors a lot more flexibility.

Think of this as an opportunity to customize your shower doors. You can make them slide, or create any sized door.

No Corroding
When there is no hardware, there is nothing to corrode. Corroded metal is the most common reason for replacement of traditional metal framed doors.

Your shower will continue to look great long into the future. You will also save money by not having to make the replacement as soon.

Maximize your space
Sure, a frameless glass shower enclosure cannot magically add square footage to your bathroom. What it can do is trick your brain into thinking the bathroom is bigger.

If you currently have a shower curtain, this is like a fabric wall dividing your bathroom. It makes the bathroom look smaller.

A glass wall is transparent, so while it still divides the room, you don’t see it that way. Your bathroom will feel brighter, bigger, and airier.

Minimize the Mold
Mold will have fewer places to grow when there is no hardware for water to collect around. Framed shower doors give water the chance to collect under and around the door’s seals.

This collected water and your bathroom’s warm temperature is the perfect environment for mold to grow. You are then fighting the never-ending battle to remove it.

Frameless doors are the easiest to clean. Just wipe down the sheet of glass and squeegee. Once you’re done wiping, the glass is clear and you are clean.

Cons of Frameless Glass Shower Door
There are some cons to consider before making the commitment to a frameless glass door. Price tends to be the biggest deterrent to those looking to make the upgrade.

The initial price of a frameless shower door is higher than that of traditional framed doors. If you are on a strict and tight budget, this may not be the door for you.

However, you need to consider more than the initial investment. You are giving your home an upscale and modern update.

You are also increasing the time of use before you need to replace this door. The money you spend on the glass now is well worth the benefits.

Chance of Leaks
The metal frame around traditional glass doors act as an insulator. This keeps the water in the shower, and out of the rest of your bathroom. Without this insulation, water can leak out as you are bathing. Keep this in mind when considering the placement of your shower head.

You won’t want the shower head pointing directly at the glass or gaps, as this may cause water to leak out. Having the glass cut to precise dimensions by a professional is the way to go in order to avoid this issue from even occurring.

A professional will measure and cut the glass to fit your shower dimensions specifically and make the gaps as small as possible.

Heat might be a problem
This is a very rare occurrence. Frameless glass shower enclosures are made from tempered glass. On very rare occasions, the glass cannot withstand the heat from the water and the glass will shatter. This is a rare thing to happen and framed doors face the same potential problem. Do not let this very small possibility stop you from giving your shower a beautiful new look.

Give Your Bathroom an Upscale and Modern Look
Your bathroom and kitchen are the two places in your home that people notice the most. When remodeling your home for sale, these are the two rooms to do.

Keep this in mind if you are thinking about giving your bathroom an update. You’ll want to pick features that give your home a modern and upscale feel.

The best way to do that is by installing frameless glass shower doors in your shower. It’s like adding square footage without breaking down walls.

Not sure where to start? Contact us and let us help put you in touch with a few of the reputable companies that use Premier Hardware products.


GAP aluminium logo

GAP Glass Aluminium Products

GAP aluminium logo

GAP Glass Aluminium Products is a supplier of aluminium and glass architectural products. We focus on custom-made aluminium and frameless glass products for the residential market.

Since 2008, we have prided ourselves on producing top quality products with precision workmanship and friendly after-sales service at very competitive rates.

Our manufacturing facility is located in Stikland Industrial, Bellville, Cape Town, where all doors and windows are made to perfection and then dispatched for installation in all local areas.

All products are manufactured to conform with the National Building Regulations Part N Glazing and the Association of Architectural Aluminium Manufacturers of South Africa (AAAMSA) regulations.

We have completed many projects in upmarket residential areas and suburbs including Val de Vie, Pearl Valley, Constantia and Camps Bay.

From the smallest frameless glass shower enclosure to a technical frameless glass staircase balustrade, Harrie is always willing and able, to help with any questions we have, or assistance required. He has a wealth of knowledge and continues to assist GAP Glass Aluminium Products on a regular basis.

Premier Hardware is our preferred supplier of fittings required for Frameless Glass products, including showers and balustrades.

Each fitting is of exceptional quality and is neatly packed in protective sleeves and boxes as well as being packed per order – no need to do any sorting out, which is a huge help during the very busy periods. The turnaround time from placing the order to receiving it is excellent too.


N.H. Price
GAP Glass Aluminium Products C.C.

Our Clients

Shower Bizz Logo

Shower Bizz

Shower Bizz

In all the years of working in the shower industry I must compliment Harrie at Premier Hardware.

From day one (now nearly 5 years) the service we enjoy at Premier is Unbeatable.

Goods are dispatched within 24 hours, never had a delivery that was late. All the stock is marked, never had any shortages or errors.

Quality is unbeatable at the prices I pay, even when their prices are matched on certain items, I continued to place my orders with Harrie.

Quality is very Important in this industry, being in the market for custom Shower enclosures one has to maintain supplying quality to your customers.

I have had no technical problems with any hardware. No complaint from customers.

Whenever I need technical advice Harrie is available and has given me sound advice. I have been in this industry for 30 years and I’m still learning every day
Thanks to people like Harrie.

Having a supplier such as Premier gives any business owner peace of mind, knowing in this ever-changing market that the hardware we sell is superior quality.

I have no concerns when our Frameless are installed, knowing the hardware from Premier has never failed us.

The personal service I enjoy at Premier is a winner, PERSONAL SERVICE is most important in my own company, and for that reason I will continue to support Premier.


Tersia Bester

Our Clients